Souring Blends

The Hawkins Souring Blends afford the brewer opportunities to introduce new beer styles to the market without interrupting tight brew schedules or potentially infecting the brewhouse. This gives the brewer the ability to bring new products to the market faster and with greater volume potential.

Through research, analysis, and taste testing, Hawkins has taken the microbial process for souring beer and replicated it without the time, danger, and costs that the traditional bacterial method of souring adds to the brewing process.

Using High-Pressure Liquid Chromatography, Gas Chromatography, and other analytical techniques on over 60 different sours, Hawkins has produced blends containing the exact same acids that are produced by microbes during a traditional souring process. We’ve also profiled non-sour beers to determine which acids occur in the non-sour fermentation process.

After determining the profile of organic acids in sour beers through this analysis, our chemists blended up the equivalent using high-purity food-grade acids. This revolutionary technique produced three blends to match the most popular sour beer categories: Fruit Souring Blend, Berliner Blend, and our X Souring Blend.

In recent months we have been able to introduce additional souring blends: Flander’s Souring Blend, Cider Souring Blend, and the Cocktail Souring Blend. This addition has brought our Beer Souring line to seven unique, high-quality blends that can help you introduce new products, save time, and mitigate risk!